New Feature

With Golden Records Online records officers can now upload scoresheets and results in the same way members can. Scoresheets uploaded by members are now viewable by clubs unless marked private (not possible where scoresheets are required by the club). Historic entries except where scoresheets are required have been marked private. As the same infrastructure is

News Update

Golden Records Online and Desktop have both been updated for the new Archery GB handicap and classification scheme.For more details of the changes visit set out in the Archery GB Change Over Procedures there is no carry over from Outdoor 2022 except for MB and GMB classifications. All archers unless qualified as MB or

News Update

Golden Records Online and Desktop have been updated to reflect the updated Archery GB Rules of Shooting. includes changing the WA 1440 round which although now just named as WA 1440 can be shot at 3 maximum distances (90m, 70m, and 60m). To distinguish which round has been shot for record purposes WA 1440 Gents

News Update

Golden Records Online now allows age checking to be switched off either globally or on a per member basis. With the new Archery GB age groups now having adult bands many clubs do not have accurate date of birth records for adult members. Golden Records desktop already supports disabling age checks on a per archer

News Update

Jeff Allan of Malvern Archers has produced an app for iPhone and iPad that integrates with Golden Records Online for club members and personal users. Archery Link allows you to record your archery score to an internal database, which can be uploaded to the Golden Records on-line data base.Featuresn* Supports WA and Archery GB roundsn*

News Update

If anyone is encountering an error message when starting Golden Records please get in touch or submit a support request.For those who synchronise Golden Records Desktop with online please note that support for synchronisation of desktop versions lower than 5.3 is being withdrawn at the end of July 2021. From 1 August 2021 older synchronisation