
Important Security Update

The Payment Card Industry Security Standards require disabling the TLS1.0 security protocol by 30 June 2018.  Users MUST upgrade Golden Records and Golden Arrow to the latest version to maintain full functionality.We will be disabling TLS1.0 on our web server on 30 June 2018.  Users of older versions may experience errors and may be unable

News Update

The Payment Card Industry Security Standards require disabling the TLS1.0 security protocol by 30 June 2018. Users MUST upgrade Golden Records and Golden Arrow to the latest version to maintain full functionality. We will be disabling TLS1.0 on our web server on 30 June 2018. Users of older versions may experience errors and may be

Issues With Golden Records

If you have overlapping seasons of the same type in Golden Records, this may cause errors calculating handicaps and classifications. Some users have been in touch concerning errors in handicap and classification values. These were found to be due to having more than one season of the same type in a given time period. Golden

News Update

If you have overlapping seasons of the same type in Golden Records, this may cause errors calculating handicaps and classifications. Some users have been in touch concerning errors in handicap and classification values. These were found to be due to having more than one season of the same type in a given time period. Golden

Website Outage

An update on the website outage today. It appears that last evening a trencher cut through a fibre optic cable serving a data center where our server is hosted. It was not until this morning that the cut was located, and work to splice in a temporary cable, then make a permanent repair, took all

Website Outage

An update on the website outage today. It appears that last evening a trencher cut through a fibre optic cable serving a data center where our server is hosted. It was not until this morning that the cut was located, and work to splice in a temporary cable, then make a permanent repair, took all

News Update

An update on website outage. It appears that last evening a trencher cut through a fibre optic cable serving a data center in St Asaph. That is where our server is hosted. It was not until this morning that the cut was located, and I gather that crews have been working since to splice in

News Update

A network outage caused by a fibre break is preventing access to our websites and cloud service. Apologies for the inconvenience. More information

Golden Records Update

The last update for Golden Records introduced a filter to prevent a handicap of 100 being allocated for any three rounds being shot, not just official Archery GB rounds.  This had an unintended consequence in that it also filtered legacy rounds such as Short Metric and Half Metric (withdrawn by Archery GB in 2014).  The

Golden Records Update

A new version of Golden Records is available.  This fixes a few bugs, and enforces handicap calculations only on the rounds in the AGB tables and Frostbite.  The use of option Strict further restricts rounds to only those listed in AGB tables 1-8.There are a few other minor changes, but the major change is an


New Data Protection Regulations come into force on the 25 May 2018.  Known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), they significantly increase data protection obligations and the rights of individuals.  Our privacy policies have been updated to comply with the GDPR and can be viewed here and here.  They explain how we lawfully use


New Data Protection Regulations come into force on the 25 May 2018.  Known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), they significantly increase data protection obligations and the rights of individuals.  Our privacy policies have been updated to comply with the GDPR and can be viewed here.  They explain how we lawfully use personal data

News Update

New Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) come into force on the 25 May 2018. Known as the General Data Protection Regulation, they significantly increase data protection obligations and the rights of individuals. Our privacy policies have been updated to comply with the GDPR and can be viewed here and here. They explain how we lawfully use

News Update

For Cloud users, legacy web services are being withdrawn. If you are ruing an older version of Golden Records v4 you may not be able to log in or coect. Updating to a newer version will resolve the problem.