
Bring the Cloud to your Archery Club

A test/trial version of Golden Records Cloud is now available at It will synchronise data between computers without having to manually copy over files, and it enables members to submit scores online, and see their records online.   This will be a separate product from the standard Golden Records, and will...


News Update

A test/trial version of Golden Records Cloud is now available at It will synchronise data between computers without having to manually copy over files, and it enables members to submit scores online, and see their records online.This will be a separate product from the standard Golden Records, and will...


Golden Records Cloud

We are working on a cloud version of Golden Records. Records will be synced between computers automatically, with storage on a secure cloud server. Your members will be able to submit scores on-line and view the records you hold. To facilitate any number of client PC the pricing will be...


News Update

We are working on a cloud version of Golden Records. Records will be synced between computers automatically with storage on a secure cloud server. Your members will be able to submit scores on-line and view the records you hold. To facilitate any number of client PC the...


News Update

Golden Records v3.2.12.1 and Golden Arrow v5.1.7.1 released in the last week have been discovered to have a problem with registering the software and with accessing the update service. This has been resolved in updates released today, but due to the problem accessing the update service neither of the...


A new version of Golden Records (v3.2.12) has been released

A new version of Golden Records (v3.2.12) has been released. This version introduces user registration, and changes to error reporting and updates. Further work has been done on the System.InvalidOperationException at System.Windows.Forms.MonthCalendar.WndProc(Message& m) bug. This bug is caused by a Windows update and conflict with a component...


Golden Records 3.2.12

A new version of Golden Records (v3.2.12) has been released.  This version introduces user registration, and changes to error reporting and updates.  Further work has been done on the System.InvalidOperationException at System.Windows.Forms.MonthCalendar.WndProc(Message& m) bug.  This bug is caused by a Windows update and conflict with a component installed by earlier...


Golden Arrow Version 5.1.7

A new version of Golden Arrow (v5.7.1) has been released on 21 November 2015.  This resolves a bug whereby removing a competitor from a target in the target map would cause that competitor to be also removed from the Match.  This version also resolves errors when ruing saved reports. Additions to...


News Update

A new version of Golden Records (v3.2.12) has been released. This version introduces user registration, and changes to error reporting and updates. Further work has been done on the System.InvalidOperationException at System.Windows.Forms.MonthCalendar.WndProc(Message& m) bug. This bug is caused by a Windows update and conflict with a component...


News Update

A new version of Golden Arrow (v5.7.1) has been released on 21 November 2015. This resolves a bug whereby removing a competitor from a target in the target map would cause that competitor to be also removed from the Match. This version also resolves errors when ruing saved...


System.InvalidOperationException in Golden Records

Golden Records may throw an error like: Unhandled Exception: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object. System.InvalidOperationException Stack Trace: at System.Windows.Forms.MonthCalendar.WndProc(Message& m) at Infragistics.Win.MonthDropDownWithUIPermissions.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) Line Number: 0 Source: WndProc The error results from a Windows update, but is related to component included in earlier versions of Golden...


News Update

A new version of Golden Arrow has been released on 29/10/2015 that resolves event details not saving, the target map crashing, and a number of other issues.