
Two-factor Authentication Now Available

For cloud users, two-factor authentication is now available. Activate it from the settings/profile page. You will need an Authenticator app like Authy or Google Authenticator (no Google account required) on your phone. With two-factor authentication enabled, a code generated on the phone will need to be entered when you log in.

News Update

For cloud users, two-factor authentication is now available. Activate it from the settings/profile page. You will need the Google Authenticator app (no Google account required) on your phone. With two-factor authentication enabled a code generated on the phone will need to be entered when you log in.

News Update

Logging update requests has shown that there are some very old versions of Golden Records still in use. These are versions that have problems picking up update availability.If you are ruing 3.2.11 or these will report as being up to date. As of today the current version is is free. So whoever is

News Update

Due to coection problems in the national fibre infrastructure to our provider, all websites are down and cloud users will be unable to coect.Our provider is working to resolve the problem for updates see

Updated Handicap Tables

The Archery GB handicap tables in Golden Records have been updated to the latest published version. There are no changes as such but a handful of errors (in 10300 records) were identified and corrected, the Half Metric and Half FITA have been deleted from the tables as these are no longer official AGB rounds. Handicaps

News Update

The Archery GB handicap tables in Golden Records have been updated to the latest published version. There are no changes as such but a handful of errors (in 10300 records) were identified and corrected, the Half Metric and Half FITA have been deleted from the tables as these are no longer official AGB rounds. Handicaps

News Update

Golden Records 4 has been released today. This adds cloud synchronisation to Golden Records and the ability for members to submit scores online, and view their score records online. Online access is also available for club officials. An aual subscription is needed for the cloud services, but otherwise there is no cost to upgrade to

Golden Records Update

An update to Golden Records has been released. This resolves a problem calculating Master Bowman and higher classifications. It contains a new set of the 2016 classification tables, The previous set returned GMB instead of Grand Master Bowman with the unintended consequence that it prevented archers be classified correctly.

News Update

An update to Golden Records has been released. This resolves a problem calculating Master Bowman and higher classifications. It contains a new set of the 2016 classification tables, The previous set returned GMB instead of Grand Master Bowman with the unintended consequence that it prevented archers be classified correctly.

News Update

A new version of Golden Records has been released. This update resolves a typographic error that prevented Long Metric classifications being returned. It also adds tables 13 to 15 of the Archery GB handicaps containing handicaps for 2 and 3 dozen arrows at various distances, imperial and metric scoring.

News Update

There is a new version of Golden Records available that has the 2016 Archery GB classifications, the NCAS clout classifications, and addition of the WA 1440 Cadet Ladies Round, Imperial Clout and Metric Clout rounds.