Transfer data between computers

There are two options.  The first is to use the Transfer tool on the Tools and Settings tab.
  1. Launch the tool and select if the computer is the source (the data being copied) or the destination (data to be loaded).  If the source you will be asked to select a location to save the data, if the destination you will be asked to select the file saved from the source.  
  2. Saving the data to a USB drive will make it easy to copy data from one machine to the other.
The other method is to use the backup facility to create a backup and then restore it on another machine.
  1. Click backup on the program main menu. Select backup and choose a backup location. The default location is in the program directory but alternative locations can be chosen including removable media like USB sticks portable drives CD/DVD. Network locations can also be used.
  2. To restore a backup select Backup > Restore and select the file you saved previously. Restoring data destroys any data already entered.
There is little practical difference between the two methods, but using the Backup facility will cause a database update to occur to deal with different versions of the software.