Golden Records 4.3.16 has been released today. You can now output membership numbers (eg Archery GB numbers) with individual results. An error when searching the archers table has been corrected.
Version has been released on 13 February 2013 which…
Version has been released on 13 February 2013 which resolves the error “{node name (if any)=,Colums name=Active}” caused by the database not being updated by the the program. Anomalies in handicap calculations that caused duplicate and missing handicaps in the handicaps table have also been resolved. A number of issues causing blank reports to
Version has been released on 13 February 2013 which resolves the error “{node name (if any)=,Colums name=Active}” caused by the database not being updated by the the program. Anomalies in handicap calculations that caused duplicate and missing handicaps in the handicaps table have also been resolved. A number of issues causing blank reports to
Golden Records 2.7.2 is now available. Importing of records has…
Golden Records 2.7.2 is now available. Importing of records has been improved. The software will pick up archers with duplicate names when adding scores. Checking of junior ages fixed.
Golden Records 2.7.2 is now available. Importing of records has been improved. The software will pick up archers with duplicate names when adding scores. Checking of junior ages fixed.
Golden Records now available. Easy transfer of data between…
Golden Records now available. Easy transfer of data between computers. Upgrade now free.
Golden Records now available. Easy transfer of data between computers. Upgrade now free.
With Golden Records version released on 7 October 2012…
With Golden Records version released on 7 October 2012 some incorrect classification data was compiled into the program. This has been resolved in version released today 11 October 2012. We apologise for the inconvenience. Users should check scores entered since 7 October.
With Golden Records version released on 7 October 2012 some incorrect classification data was compiled into the program. This has been resolved in version released today 11 October 2012. We apologise for the inconvenience. Users should check scores entered since 7 October.
Golden Records build is now available. This fixes some…
Golden Records build is now available. This fixes some bugs and improves the score adding workflow.
Golden Records build is now available. This fixes some bugs and improves the score adding workflow.
Golden Records v2.6.2.3 is now available. This adds the ability…
Golden Records v2.6.2.3 is now available. This adds the ability to keep archer settings when entering multiple scores from 1 archer. Add Record form has auto-complete functionality. Improvements to classification and handicap calculations.
Golden Records v2.6.2.3 is now available. This adds the ability to keep archer settings when entering multiple scores from 1 archer. Add Record form has auto-complete functionality. Improvements to classification and handicap calculations.
Golden Records v2.6 now available. Version 2.6 of Golden Records…
Golden Records v2.6 now available. Version 2.6 of Golden Records adds new features and an improved handicap and classification system. In this version the computation of handicaps and classifications is entirely automatic (optional). As scores are entered, the change in the archer’s handicap and classification is calculated and displayed. Scores are now checked against the
Golden Records v2.6 now available. Version 2.6 of Golden Records adds new features and an improved handicap and classification system. In this version the computation of handicaps and classifications is entirely automatic (optional). As scores are entered, the change in the archer’s handicap and classification is calculated and displayed. Scores are now checked against the
Apologies for the inconvenience but the release of Golden Record…
Apologies for the inconvenience but the release of Golden Record 2.5.23 last week has been found to contain inaccurate classification data. This has been corrected in verion 2.5.24, and you are advised to update to this version as soon as possible and check any classifications you have allocated since the begiing of April. Once again
Apologies for the inconvenience but the release of Golden Record 2.5.23 last week has been found to contain inaccurate classification data. This has been corrected in verion 2.5.24, and you are advised to update to this version as soon as possible and check any classifications you have allocated since the begiing of April. Once again