Golden Records Updated

An update to Golden Records has expanded the scope of Round and Age Group linking and made linking old and new Archery GB Rounds and Age Groups default. Parent is now referred to as Origin and Child as Target. There can be any number of Target rounds or age groups each linked to a different Origin. So WA 1440 Gents as Origin links to WA 1440 (90m) as Target. Ladies as Origin now links by default to a Target of Women. For Club Record purposes all Origin rounds or age groups are now automatically linked to a target. For example FITA Gents AND WA1440 Gents are now automatically (where they exist) mapped to WA 1440 (90m) and will be considered the same for assessing club records. Similarly Ladies and Women.

For UK users Age Group links also impact on Classifications meaning that Classifications achieved after 22 October 2022 will be marked as Men even if the original scores were shot as Gentlemen.